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Pokemon Centre 

This is a fan built reimagining of the famous Pokemon Centre design seen in the anime and based off of the popular Gameboy game; Pokemon Fire Red, made for the Sims 4.

The minimum size for this lot is 30 x 30. 

This creation was created without custom content (cc) or mods.


Please do not steal my creation, if you recolour or upload to the gallery please credit KittyDoomBoom.



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The (fan built) Pokemon Centre features a red roof, square windows spanning the entire front of the building and simple metallic walls. It also features the famous large 'pokeball' icon on the front.


First Floor

The first floor is typical of a regular Pokemon Centre design. This was solely based off the gameboy design.

There is the large healing station in the centre of the room where nurse Joy stands, a  'lift' to the upstairs section, computer to store your Pokemon amongst other things, a large corner table with chairs, bookcase, plant and 'town map'

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Second Floor

On the second floor you can find the trading centre and trading 'rooms'. there is a pc upstairs also, plants, chairs and floor symbols to show desk functions.

© 2021 by KittyDoomBoom. Proudly created with

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