Custom builds - Fanmade - No CC or Mods.
All rights to these builds belong to EA. I do not claim rights to any of the original companies work or games such as The Sims 4, Final Fantasy or Pokemon. These builds are fan-made and inspired by the original source. I do not run this site as a business or sell any products, it is all free to download.
Aerith's House - Final Fantasy VII Remake
(Fan made.)
This is a copy of Aerith's House in the popular video game, Final Fantasy VII. I have chosen to base it off the Remake version.
The minimum size for this lot is 50 x 50. It is huge!
This creation was created without custom content (cc) or mods.
Please do not steal my creation, if you recolour or upload to the gallery please credit KittyDoomBoom.
To download please click the button to go the downloads page (It's in the FF7 Folder)
Aerith's House is a very special lot as it is built into the ground to create the sheer cliffs that we see surrounding her house in the FF7 game. It was also carefully designed to mimic the different levels of garden where Aerith grows her flowers and has a functioning waterfall just like it does in the game.
Aerith's garden is a huge part of this build which is very much true the FF7 game inspiration. It is covered in wildflowers as Aerith is a flower vendor and bits of old mech debris which is a quirk of her house and many other locations in the FF7 remake.
The famous living area and kitchen has been replicated by studying the FF7 game.
The upstairs of the house was also created with the original FF7 house in mind, though there are some differences due to The Sims 4 restrictions. It was matched as closely as possible.